A free HRT tracking sheet to record your journey!

Taking, thinking about, or know someone on hormone replacement therapy?

I began taking testosterone in the Summer of 2019. Thankfully, a new sweetie recorded a few videos of me that day (here's a quickie of my first dosage). Since that time, I've been tracking my voice with ongoing recordings of a poem a dear friend write, images of my changing vulva, and a ton of data about my mood, muscle growth, nutrition needs, menses and moon cycles, fat distribution, access to emotions, and more.

I knew I wasn't seeking much that was concrete and felt shaky about it without having a robust answer. But I had just spent 6 years in relationship with an intuitive and magickal woman who taught me much about honoring my felt sensations of desire and having faith in my intuition. So, I went after what I wanted even though my head was saying, "What the fuck are you doing?!"

She asked me, "What are you looking for?"

My only answer,
"I'd like to be misgendered once in a while...and I know I don't want to be a man."

Ahhh shit. Thinking back on that I cringe and laugh. What a free dive! But I chose to trust the directionality of what I felt deeply called to, knowing the expected destination was something I did NOT want. I trusted myself to figure it out as I walked the messy path. As someone that's had a lot of instability, that kind of risk is both scary as fuck to me, and comfortable in its familiarity.

Being the lil data nerd that I am, I wanted to keep track of what I was putting my mind-body-heart through. Since starting, I've been playing with testo, moving up and down in my dosage to access specific outcomes thanks to this noticing: these years of intentionality inform my ability to notice the shifts in my body, mood, concentration access, and erotic desires. It's a favorite conversation of mine, chatting with others on HRT about our cycles (regardless of natal hormones).

As promised, you get free first access.

So my dear loves, I took a first run at an HRT tracking sheet to share with ya'll. Note that this is a first draft you're getting access to! I've seeded it with some example commentary primarily based on my experiences with androgens, just to offer some starting examples. You do you & let go what doesn't serve. These are merely some of the things I've been tracking and playing with. What have you been noticing that you don't see here? I would delight to confer for trade with someone taking feminizing hormones and experience tracking cycles and responses!

How to use this spreadsheet

Start by making a copy of this template, adjust the categories as you desire and make it your own. I would be oh so tickled to hear from you about what you shift, what I missed, and what you find through your tracking experience. Please reach out if you're already doing this or after you've done so for some time -- it's one of my favourite conversations.

A note about translation: I trust neither my nor Google's translation capabilities with this project because the example commentary is quite intimate. If someone would be interested in translating this for me, I'm happy to chat about a trade <3

Curious about gender doula support?

I offer a couple of free exploratory calls each month and with everyone busy during the Summer, that means I've got extra space in August at the moment. There’s no pressure to ever sign up for another: it’s just a sweet lil call between you and I. Coaching can feel unfamiliar or even scary at first so this call is all about understanding what brings you to this place as well as an opportunity for you to ask me anything.

The catch is that I’ll be creating while we chat! Full transparency: you’ll hear the stroke of my markers, the water running as I clean paintbrushes, shuttle swishing as I weave, etc. I’ll pause and take notes when I need to, make a list of things to send to you post-call, and so on. We can chat about your upcoming surgery needs / fears / joys, HRT considerations and curiosities, somatic access to knowing what you want, etc.

Ro Rose

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