Finally: Gender affirming surgery POST-op care!

I'm dialing in from my local collective of queer and trans bodyworkers offering healing support of gender related scars for those who are gender non-conforming including but not limited to intersex, two-spirit, trans, and/or non-binary people.

Ya'll are aware of the barriers to access that we face in obtaining gender related surgeries, but may not realize how many of us struggle after these operations. We are striving to change that!

Whether from a hysterectomy, gender-affirming bottom surgeries, scars from gender-related violence or birthing, a breast augement/reduction or mastectomy: we're here for you, no matter the age of the scar.

If this speaks to you and you're in or near Tiohtiá:ke / Montréal, please attend and get to know our work and collective offerings! It can be expensive to "test out" a practitioner: so this is a great way to see who might be the fit for you.

The event is totally free (with thanks to a single micro grant) though registration is required. There are two sessions to choose from in the evening. We would be oh so happy to welcome you and answer your questions.

Would you please share our event? You collectively have community reach that we as individuals don't and we would deeply appreciate the support to spread the word. Forward along to your local CLSC, clinique, trans service provider or therapist, DnD and crafting groups, queer discords, and social groups.

Feel free to forward this and copy/paste to your heart's content!
With gratitude for this shared care,

Ro (and Bam, Manna, Kota, Ele)

At this event I'll be focused primarily on bottom surgery scars as well as scars from gender-based violence! I'm so grateful to hold space for this trauma stewardship and want you to know that we'll all benefit from your questions -- so reply here if you want to send them to me in advance.

Here's a quick-ish video offering a lil about how I'll be showing up in service to you are this demo event and why:

video preview

For those NOT in Tiohtiá:ke / Montréal: I offer online consults for scar care and you are likely to be surprised how helpful this can be! We can create a plan to support your specific needs to move beyond barriers, practice techniques together, and get playful with ways to invite pleasure into this self care work.

Demonstrating the Art of Scar Care: Hands-on Practicum // L'art du soin des cicatrices : un atelier démonstration pratique

Our scars hold stories in their weaving of our bodies back to wholeness. But how do we care for them in return? Embark on a journey of healing and empowerment with our Scar Care Demo Event, hosted by local trans and queer scar remediation specialists.

Nos cicatrices sont telles les traces d’une quête vers l'intégralité de soi, inscrites dans la trame de notre corps. Mais comment pouvons-nous mieux en prendre soin? Embarquez pour un voyage de guérison et d’affirmation de soi grâce à notre atelier de démonstration pratique des soins des cicatrices, organisé par des thérapeutes d’ici spécialisé.e.s dans l’atténuation des cicatrices de personnes trans et queer.

Scar care – whether by your own hand, a cherished loved one, or a skilled practitioner – has the power to transform. It's not just about aesthetics, but about radically improving tissue health, enhancing mobility, and supporting nerve regrowth. Unattended scars can lead to limitations in movement, prolonged pain and swelling, disruptions in nerve sensation, and circulation issues. Despite these challenges, our healthcare system often falls short in offering guidance and resources for effective scar healing.

Le soin des cicatrices – que ce soit par soi-même, par un être cher ou par un praticien.e qualifié.e – offre un grand potentiel de transformation : non seulement esthétique, mais aussi de transformation radicale de la santé des tissus et de la mobilité, en plus de soutenir la repousse des nerfs. Les cicatrices laissées sans soins peuvent entraîner des limitations de mouvements, des douleurs et des gonflements prolongés, des perturbations de la sensation nerveuse ainsi que des problèmes de circulation. Malgré ces défis, notre système de santé ne parvient souvent pas à offrir des conseils et des ressources pour une guérison efficace des cicatrices.

That's why we're bringing the expertise of trans and queer bodyworkers to the forefront, turning private sessions into a collective experience. See what resonates with you and your body, and engage with practitioners to gain insights into their unique approaches. Witness live, in-person demonstrations showcasing five distinct scar care modalities in action.

C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de mettre en avant l'expertise de thérapeutes trans et queer, en transformant des traitements habituellement privés en expérience collective. Découvrez les modalités qui vous parlent, à vous et votre corps, et échangez avec des praticiens pour mieux comprendre leurs approches uniques. Assistez à des démonstrations en direct, en personne et en action présentant cinq modalités distinctes de soins des cicatrices.

Whether your scars are fresh or have been woven over decades, intentional touch can catalyze transformation and invite you into a deeper, more profound relationship with your body. Discover what modalities call to your body and ask practitioners questions about their approach. Join us for an event that bridges the gap between knowledge and action, between scars and self-love. For inquiries, please contact

Que vos cicatrices soient récentes ou qu’elles se soient constituées au fil de décennies, les soins par le toucher intentionnel peuvent agir comme catalyseur de transformation et vous inviter à une relation plus profonde avec votre corps. Vous pourrez ainsi découvrir quelles modalités résonnent avec votre corps et poser des questions aux praticiens sur leur approche. Rejoignez-nous pour un atelier comblant le fossé entre connaissance et action, cicatrices et amour de soi. Pour tout renseignement, veuillez contacter

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Ro Rose

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